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Saturday, 9 August 2014

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Designer wears her chain-mail gown and is then shocked with half a million volts of electricity

The dress was created by Dutch designer Anouk Wipprecht (pictured) in partnership with band ArcAttack, which makes music using Tesla coils. It consists of a spiked helmet and plate-metal dress secured in a head-to-toe suit of chain mail

This is quite strange. 
Dutch artist,  Anouk Wipprecht wore a full metal dress and used it to conduct electricity from two giant Tesla coils. The metallic clothing was made by a famous Dutch artist Anouk Wipprecht. Ms Wipprecht wore the dress on stage and conducted almost half a million volts as she stood between the coils.

Here's what she had to say;
‘We don't only want to show off a cool project - we also want to educate the viewers by sharing our process to engage and inspire them in the technological facets.
‘Wearing the dress I was standing in between two giant
Tesla coils that each level up to half a million volt of raw electricity.
‘Electricity travels the shortest path to grounds, so basically the dress functioned to lead the electricity directly to floor instead of raising through my body.
Ms Wipprecht said the challenge was to create an iconic design that would hold up to the power of high-voltage, low-current, high-frequency, alternating-current electricity.
‘Since we are all experts in what we do, it was no problem to create a dress like this - me as fashion tech designer playing with the boundaries of technology, and ArcAttack as leading inventors of these kind of circuits.
‘The problem arose when we could not find a model, and I had to sacrifice my own body for science by standing in between the coils.'


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